Saturday, November 5, 2011

Well....time flies pretty fast..its near the end of the year n there goes Form 2 >< coming up is Form 3 >< argh ><  The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Form 3 is (dramatic music) PMR!!! xO I really should start studying now but...temptation to be lazy is overpowering too ><  Anyway,haven't watched a movie in a while >< feel like watching "In Time" the story plot seems interesting :) I watched Nicholas Sparks "The Last Song" today :) Seriously touching movie ;) Loved it so much <3 I love reading Nicholas Sparks books >< his books are so touching n wonderful :D  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Errmm......random stuff? xP

Hey guys ;D so erm....actually i cant think of anything specific to write so I'll just write about random stuff that happened lately..:) well......yesterday me n su mei walked to school to do kerja kayu but when we reached there we were stopped n denied entry cuz we were wearing shorts n slippers == (well no one told us we couldnt == ) so we had to walk all the way back,change, n walk all the way to school...again..== n when we reached the bengkel there were other people wearing slippers n shorts ==......We were like zadou!! unfair xP they weren't asked to go back n change xP well.....i guess we were just at the wrong place at the wrong time -___-" so..we finished our kerja kayu,walked home for the final time n lived happily ever after blah blah blah NOT x) 
Anyway....what else..erm...okay i cut my hair today n since i havent trimmed it in months ><" (ashamed) it was well.....messy n not in good condition I must say xP so the hairdresser sort-of crinkled his brow when he examined the state of my hair xP (so embarrassing) if that wasnt enough I had to fall asleep (yes,fall asleep,I kid u not ) while he was blow drying my hair ><"......well..i was tired cuz i was seriously studying so that wore me out a bit xP  I somehow jolted myself awake n he was staring at me n I was like 'Sorry!!><" ' I don't know if he knew i was sleeping because my bangs were covering my eyes but it still was embarrassing >< holiday plan to study is going erm.....ok i guess xP I'm worried I cant finish studying in time >< Hope i can do well in the exams >< To my friends in SMKTC good luck studying n may the odds ever be in your favor xD

Monday, August 29, 2011

Goodbye school~Hello Holiday =D

Wheee~ Its the Holidays xD Haha...just gonna relaax....chill..n be lazy =D Unfortunately,things dont always go the way u want does it ;x I've got to finish my Geography n Moral project unfair to spend the holidays doing projects I dont care about n have no clue where to start @.@......well,I'll try to make the best of it ><" Im gonna try using this holiday to improve on my cooking skills whee~ x) 
Haha anyway these are some pictures i took on my trip to US in "The world of MnMs" x) check it out!!xD
so many MnMs xD Whee~so many different colours n flavours that  dont have in Malaysia @.@ Didnt get to try all of them though ;x

Whee~the containers are so tall right? xD

U just get a plastic bag thats provided,pull the hatch at the bottom of the containers n the MnMs just flow out n u can mis as many flavours as u like =)

Haha look how many they are O.o x)

Haha I love chocolate x) hope I can experience more interesting stuff soon x) well,thats all for now =) bye

Sunday, August 21, 2011

CF BBQ~ (:

Yesterday went to Avril n Anita's house for CF BBQ xD it was super AWESOME!!! thanks guys so much for letting us use ur house =) the worship session n the food was great =D sorry I couldn't stay till the end though ;x Anyway,the seni folio is due this Friday and I've barely started T^T feeling like a zombie these few days........Zzzz.....hopefully I'll come back to life ><"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hey guys, Im sorry I left my blog to collect dust for the past 3-4 months ><" I couldn't open my computer cuz of an internet issue ><" Okay so a lot of things have happened,even though the exams are over I still have many projects to do @.@ argh...I wait for the day I'll be free =)
But,I still cant help fantasizing about the holidays >< I wonder what to do....O.o...probably just be lazy n glue my self to the computer n the TV xD But now I have a new goal...I shall spend some of my holiday time learning how to cook >< Yes,unfortunately I at the age of 14,cant.cook. Unless u count instant noodles and omelets ><" Well,better late than never as some would say :/

Anyway aren't these pictures beautiful =) I'd like to take credit but they were taken by my brother on our trip to America xD

The picture of a road we were driving through the country =)

One of the country houses,they have so much land  O.o
Haha hope you guys liked them =D I'll post more next time =) and I'll try not to let my blog collect dust anymore ><

Friday, April 1, 2011

MISERY..............BAD DAY.............=( referring to my blog tittle I AM IN MISERY and I'VE HAD A BAD DAY yup,it feels good to shout it out to the world sometimes...................Yesterday and today I was unbelieveably EMO and sad.....I've never felt them this strongly before......
I feel like a failure,like betrayed someone's trust,like i failed myself,I can see myself in the eyes of dissapointment.........Some of my friends know why I feel this way.....I guess I deserve it,I just hope I can stand up again =)................
For some people failure is a stepping stone to success,for some its a hard smack o the face......I think I'm walking on the line of the latter........sometimes life just sucks,sometimes u just bring it on yourself.......
I'll probably come up with a conclusion my senses feel dulled....things just seem to pass me by.....
But despite this,I want to thank my friends for being there for me even though I couldn't respond I dont think I deserve you guys.........I feel like a mess......
The reason I'm writing this now is just to let it out...I cant write about everything that I feel and whats going on since viewing here is public so thats it I guess....
Wish me luck on my process to rediscover myself............ 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lalalalalalala~XD I had a haircut!! ><" you're probably wondering why I would write such a boring stupid thing for the world to see but honestly I don't know....=.="
You guys might think it's stupid but yes I am paranoid about my hair......=.=" I sound like a loser......
I am not proud of this but I practically teared up when my mom told me to get a haircut this morning......
Anyway now my hair is like 9 cm shorter T^T n I have bangs =x .....well.....its looks okay I guess ......okay I'm being randomly weird again.....
Anyway,I'm obsessed with reading...Arghh....I sound like a total nerd.....once I get a new book I straightaway start on it and won't stop unless I have to until I finish it even if I have to stay up late in the night O.o It's just so addictive!!!>< But for the record I am NOT a nerd =] I LOVE sports too =D
Anyway,exams are coming soon so do your best everyone!! =] And for those in my class good luck with the Sejarah folio too,its so annoying yo spend the holidays studying instead of relaxiiiing......
Hmmmm.....maybe I'll upload a picture of my new haircut on facebook....maybe?

By the way,do you know that:
1)101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are     present and don't die throughout the movie. 
2)A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue. O.o
3)A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds
4)A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee.(Imagine that O.o)
5)A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes
6)Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.(Wow....)
7)Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.(I wonder.....)
8)Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them use to burn their houses down - hence the expression "to get fired."

Hope you guys enjoyed these interesting facts =] Maybe I'll post more of  them next time when I don't know what to write (Ooops....busted XD) 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

XD, O.o, =D, D=, =.="

Well....I'm not really sure what to write so I'll just write random things that are now crossing my mind...'s everyone doing? I haven't updated my blog lately cuz my mom password locked the computer cuz of my brother n sister's exam =[ so unfair!! There's still plenty of time before my exam D= Anyway,you guys know the show called"Glee" ? I LOVE that show!! XD Their songs are amazing!! XDDDD
Now while I'm typing this I'm also reading Manga!!! I love reading Manga XD For those of u who don't know Manga is Japenese comics XD I know Gosh I sound like a total nerd O.o Anyway,I love reading Manga like "Naruto" , "Fairy Tail" , "Kaicho-Wa maid-Sama" , n many many more!!!!! XDD hahaa...feeling so HIIIGH now XD =.="
Well.....u guys must bee pretty bored listening or should I say reading this....well....I'll put u out of your misery and stop now XD 
But before I go....did u guys notice I've been using different fonts for this post ?XD I'm just feeling bored n crazy.....=D
Anyway I wonder.....I'm actually trying to write a novel!! I know it sounds CRAZY =.=" but I probably am XD I'll try my best though so......wish me luck =]  

Sunday, February 13, 2011

♥~Valentines Day~♥

Well..everybody should know what day it is today.....if not....go clunk yourself on the head for hiding under a rock for these past few years!!XD Today is Valentines Day!!the day that couples go celebrate the love they have for each other =] So,Congratulations for those who have someone special today~♥ And for all my single ladies n guys you don't need to be sad =] Valentines Day is not only for couples,it's for appreciating those who are special n precious to you~♥ I'd like to say a special thanks to all my friends for being with me until now =] For being with me through thick n thin,for listening to me,for putting up with me when I'm difficult,for standing up for me =D I can't fully express my thanks for you guys but I hope that my feelings can reach you~I can't ask for better friends so once again THANK YOU!!

Now in honor of Valentines Day here are some great songs that couples or single's might like to listen to~
1.Always-Bon Jovi
2.When you say nothing at all
3.I Don't Want To Miss A Thing-Aerosmith
4.My Heart Will Go On-Celine Dion
6.Endless Love-Lionel Richie & Diana Ross
7.Don't Stop Believing-Journey
8.Hello-Lionel Richie
9.I Will Always Love You-Whitney Houston 
10.Love Story-Taylor Swift
11.Lucky-Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat 
12.I'm Yours-Jason Mraz 

Actually there are many more great songs but there are too much to write down but hope you'll enjoy these songs =]

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I had an awesome Chinese New Year XDD!! My friends Shie Mun,Avril,Ginny,Su Mei,Angela and Xiu Yuan came to my house for party and we had so much fun XD First we had some food n then we were chatting and taking pictures =] Suddenly a little boy came and started throwing "pop pop's" at us O.o We were like "Stop!!" and he just laughed evilly and simply throw the "pop pop's" everywhere!!We were like "nakalnya budak ini!!" And jumping out of the way to avoid the "pop pop's" And Avril was declaring war XD But after awhile we found out that the "pop pop's" didn't hurt so we took some"pop pop's and started taking revenge but we didn't throw them directly at him,we just threw them at his feet.After that we started being childish and threw the "pop pop's" in the air and used badminton racket's to hit them XD Then me and my bro started playing volleyball and my brother accidentally surfed the volleyball straight on Su Mei's head!! Luckily, no harm was done and we started laughing =D We took many photos and a few group photos =] After that, we went inside n while Avril was playing a racing game me n few others were playing mahjong XD I just learnt how to play mahjong the day before the party and I find it really fun =D  Well...I'll post the photos next time so that's it for now thanks!! =]

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chinese New Year Eve!! XDD

Hey guys!! It's Chinese New Year Eve!!XD How r u guys feeling?excited I guess ;) I am so excited!!!It won't be long till I can open my first new year Fortune Cookie!!! And drink soft drinks n snacks till I feel sick!!XDD
Haha..I'm feeling so HIIIGH...!! Can't wait for Chinese New Year!!! I'm ready I'm ready I'm so so ready ready...!! Anyway a early Happy Chinese New Year to all of you!!!!!! =D

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Some childhood pictures =]

I retook these pictures with my camera so please ignore the dates ><"

This is a pic of me and Jeisey during a school trip in primary school =]

Another pic of me n Jeisey during the school trip =]

All of us together =] You may recognize some of the people if you know me =] Ok then...Yiat Mon(1st from the left),Angela(2nd from the left), my teacher(3rd from the left),Shie Mun(3rd from the right),Jei Sey(2nd from the right),Me(at the bottom) and Regina(1st from the right) =D

Me n my sis n cousins doing a star hump in Lumut =] I'm the one in pink ><"

My family n I went to genting erm...2 years ago if I'm not mistaken ><"

Haha...something random XD This was taken when I entered a cupcake decorating course with my sister =] Ya..and I had short hair so I guess this was around standard 4 or 5?

Ok then, so this is about it I'll post some more of my childhood pics next time so hope u enjoyed this!! thanks =D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

sry I haven't updated in a computer was being anyway,I dont have much to tell this time...can't really think of anything =X School's been fine....feeling moody....having mood swings....gosh...
I miss my primary days sooooo  much....I wish I could have 1 more week there D= I tell people not to look back but it seems like I'm the one who's always looking back even though I tell myself not to.....The conclusion is.....I'm a hypocrite =[
Well....that's all for now....I'll probably feel better when I reach school....gosh I hate these moody feelings n mood swings.....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Iban Long House pictures XD

 The view from the long house window =]

The grandma's house in the long house, spacious isn't it?

In case you're wondering,the skulls are behind me.I didn't think it was right to take pictures of them =]

Chinese Orchestra!! XD

Ok so like here it goes....I entered the Chinese Orchestra today!! =] I mean I've been thinking about it for awhile I was like okay, why the heck not? I've been wanting to do something more meaningful with my life and try different things =] But I arrived a bit late n so the introducement of the instruments were over n I only got to hear the performences by my friends. So,after that, I went and tried some of the instruments to decide what I wanna choose but I still haven't decided yet.....nvm though,I still have time to choose =] Hope I will make the right choice in choosing the instruments n joining the Chinese Orchestra,my friends say its really fun,so I guess i made a good choice.But I'm a little worried because my friends have been learning for about 1 year earliar than me,so I hope I can catch up =] So anyway,this is it and so wish me luck ;)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Iban Long House!! XD

      This is the story of one of the places I went when I visited my grandfather,uncle,auntie n my cousins in Sibu which is in Sarawak =].I went to see a real Iban long house with people still staying in there!!I mean how often do u get to see that?So,it all started when my uncle suggested to take us there,and just like that we were off!! And we actually get to go inside the long house,the families who stay there don't mind and they won't even charge us!!So okay,we eached there and wow it was big and of course loooong...So we went inside n one of the nice old grandma who lives there with her family offered to show us around. Okay,so the long house is made up of one looong corridor and there are doors leading to rooms where each family stays in one room.According to the old grandma,there is about 30+ families living in that long house!!There is also a sort of balcony outside n they plant fruits n vegetables so it saves cost,smart of them.They even have a river nearby so that they can collect water.So life for them is simple n relaxing.But they r not the old-fashioned people that we all think they are...they have Astro n some of them even have Astro-beyond!! Even I don't have that =X
      Anyway,the most shocking thing is that in the middle of the corridor on the ceiling hangs....wait for it....a bag of SKULLS!! Yes boys n girls real live skulls!!hanging from the ceiling in full view!!Eleven skulls to be exact,I counted them.Its not as scary as u think it didn't have rotten flesh dangling from it,I mean how would the people live with the stench?Yucks..The skulls have been hanging there for about more than 50 years,interesting eh?The people there still pray to the skulls as it is their tradition.Though I have to say,even though I didn't find it pacticularly scary,my cousin sure did XD even though she's like a year older.
      After that, we went inside the old gandma's "house" and we saw her grandchildren in there,one of them is actually the same age as me,and boy,she was gorgeous...Suprisingly,the room was spacious and comfortable.It had a few bedrooms,a kitchen, and even a staircase leading downstairs where there had a refrigerator and other things down there.The grandma's grandchildren were really smart!! They had a cupboard of trophy's for academic reasons.Soon after that we had to leave,but I got lots of pics to preserve the memory,but I didn't take the pictures of the skulls...I didn't think it would be right.But,I even got the girl's facebook!!So that's one of the stories from when I visited my grandfather.If I can I'll try to upload the pics =]  Wow....this is the longest posts i ever did so far....hope u guys enjoyed this and thats all for now.So please continue to support me thanks =]

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

100 pageviews =]

Wow!!I can't believe my blog could reach 100 pageviews >< thanks for the support guys =]
Sorry I haven't been updating much since my computer has been super lagging lately....I'll try my best though
So anyway,thanks again guys =D