Thursday, January 6, 2011

Iban Long House!! XD

      This is the story of one of the places I went when I visited my grandfather,uncle,auntie n my cousins in Sibu which is in Sarawak =].I went to see a real Iban long house with people still staying in there!!I mean how often do u get to see that?So,it all started when my uncle suggested to take us there,and just like that we were off!! And we actually get to go inside the long house,the families who stay there don't mind and they won't even charge us!!So okay,we eached there and wow it was big and of course loooong...So we went inside n one of the nice old grandma who lives there with her family offered to show us around. Okay,so the long house is made up of one looong corridor and there are doors leading to rooms where each family stays in one room.According to the old grandma,there is about 30+ families living in that long house!!There is also a sort of balcony outside n they plant fruits n vegetables so it saves cost,smart of them.They even have a river nearby so that they can collect water.So life for them is simple n relaxing.But they r not the old-fashioned people that we all think they are...they have Astro n some of them even have Astro-beyond!! Even I don't have that =X
      Anyway,the most shocking thing is that in the middle of the corridor on the ceiling hangs....wait for it....a bag of SKULLS!! Yes boys n girls real live skulls!!hanging from the ceiling in full view!!Eleven skulls to be exact,I counted them.Its not as scary as u think it didn't have rotten flesh dangling from it,I mean how would the people live with the stench?Yucks..The skulls have been hanging there for about more than 50 years,interesting eh?The people there still pray to the skulls as it is their tradition.Though I have to say,even though I didn't find it pacticularly scary,my cousin sure did XD even though she's like a year older.
      After that, we went inside the old gandma's "house" and we saw her grandchildren in there,one of them is actually the same age as me,and boy,she was gorgeous...Suprisingly,the room was spacious and comfortable.It had a few bedrooms,a kitchen, and even a staircase leading downstairs where there had a refrigerator and other things down there.The grandma's grandchildren were really smart!! They had a cupboard of trophy's for academic reasons.Soon after that we had to leave,but I got lots of pics to preserve the memory,but I didn't take the pictures of the skulls...I didn't think it would be right.But,I even got the girl's facebook!!So that's one of the stories from when I visited my grandfather.If I can I'll try to upload the pics =]  Wow....this is the longest posts i ever did so far....hope u guys enjoyed this and thats all for now.So please continue to support me thanks =]

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