Monday, August 29, 2011

Goodbye school~Hello Holiday =D

Wheee~ Its the Holidays xD Haha...just gonna relaax....chill..n be lazy =D Unfortunately,things dont always go the way u want does it ;x I've got to finish my Geography n Moral project unfair to spend the holidays doing projects I dont care about n have no clue where to start @.@......well,I'll try to make the best of it ><" Im gonna try using this holiday to improve on my cooking skills whee~ x) 
Haha anyway these are some pictures i took on my trip to US in "The world of MnMs" x) check it out!!xD
so many MnMs xD Whee~so many different colours n flavours that  dont have in Malaysia @.@ Didnt get to try all of them though ;x

Whee~the containers are so tall right? xD

U just get a plastic bag thats provided,pull the hatch at the bottom of the containers n the MnMs just flow out n u can mis as many flavours as u like =)

Haha look how many they are O.o x)

Haha I love chocolate x) hope I can experience more interesting stuff soon x) well,thats all for now =) bye

Sunday, August 21, 2011

CF BBQ~ (:

Yesterday went to Avril n Anita's house for CF BBQ xD it was super AWESOME!!! thanks guys so much for letting us use ur house =) the worship session n the food was great =D sorry I couldn't stay till the end though ;x Anyway,the seni folio is due this Friday and I've barely started T^T feeling like a zombie these few days........Zzzz.....hopefully I'll come back to life ><"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hey guys, Im sorry I left my blog to collect dust for the past 3-4 months ><" I couldn't open my computer cuz of an internet issue ><" Okay so a lot of things have happened,even though the exams are over I still have many projects to do @.@ argh...I wait for the day I'll be free =)
But,I still cant help fantasizing about the holidays >< I wonder what to do....O.o...probably just be lazy n glue my self to the computer n the TV xD But now I have a new goal...I shall spend some of my holiday time learning how to cook >< Yes,unfortunately I at the age of 14,cant.cook. Unless u count instant noodles and omelets ><" Well,better late than never as some would say :/

Anyway aren't these pictures beautiful =) I'd like to take credit but they were taken by my brother on our trip to America xD

The picture of a road we were driving through the country =)

One of the country houses,they have so much land  O.o
Haha hope you guys liked them =D I'll post more next time =) and I'll try not to let my blog collect dust anymore ><